Itatiaia National Park - Brazil


At the laboratory for studies on the structure and dynamics of diversity (LDDiv) we combine ecological and paleontological data, network analysis and mathematical modelling to understand how ecological interactions are organized in nature and how they shape diversity patterns at local and regional scales and in ecological and deep time. (see Research Interests).

We are particularly interested in phenomena related to diversity loss and their consequences. Some of research questions addressed by our ongoing research projects are:

  • How defaunation has been altering the architecture and functioning natural systems?

  • What are the evolutionary and ecological consequences of interaction loss?

  • How ecological interactions shape diversification dynamics (speciation and extinction rates) within clades?

  • People

    Mathias Pires (PI) googlescholar publons

    I'm an Assistant Professor at UNICAMP and the PI of LDDiv. My personal research interest is on how ecological interactions affect and are affected by extinctions shaping diversity dynamics. Most of my work involves verterates, but my research is not focused on any particular taxonomic group. As an ecologist, I'm more interested in understanding processes than the especific characteristics of organisms. That said I do think Natural History is crucial for good ecological science. That's why I always make sure to collaborate with colleagues that are experts on the groups we are working with. I'm also an outdoor enthusiast and amateur wildlife photographer and although most of my research is behind the computers, I'm often in the field, because that's the only way to learn how nature really works.

    Erica Pacífico (PD) googlescholar

    I am a conservation biologist with interest in long-term field research, population ecology and management of threatened species and invasive species. I am interested in how populations interact with the environment under anthropogenic disturbances,and how management interventions can help the persistence of populations at risk. My research is focused on the population dynamics, demography, and expansion capacity of the endangered Lear’s macaw, an endemism of the Caatinga Biome,Tropical Dry-Forest.

    André Martinez (PhD)

    I'm a Biologist and PhD student in the Ecology program at UNICAMP. I am interested in how ecological processes, such as seed dispersal interactions, shape ecological communities across space and time. I'm now specifically exploring how seed dispesal may help to connect fragments in the Atlantic Forest and how such connectivity changes with forest restoration initiatives.

    Joao Nascimento (PhD)

    I'm a PhD student in the Ecology program at UNICAMP. I'm an evolutionary biologist interested in understanding the mechanisms that shape patterns of diversity in deep time. I'm currently using the mammal fossil record to explore the consequences of predator-prey interactions in the macroevolutionary history of the group.

    Rubia Morini (PhD)

    I'm a biologist and Master's student in the Ecology program at Unicamp. Currently I am investigating the role of mammals in structuring seed dispersal networks across Brazilian biomes. I hope to contribute to the expansion of knowledge of ecological interactions in Brazil and help in the conservation of this mega-diverse country.

    Pedro Ugarte (MSc)

    I am a biologist and Master's student in the Ecology program at the University of Campinas (Unicamp). I am currently using mammal fossil data to understand how humans and climate shaped interactions and phenotypic evolution of carnivores during the Late Pleistocene.

    Julia Acquaviva (MSc)

    I am a Master's student studying how different forces of mutualistic coevolution shape the composition communities of interacting species. Using tools from the network theory, I expect to comprehend the drivers of metacommunity structure. I am interested in coevolution, specialization, ecological networks and spatial dynamics.

    Giulyana Benedicto (MSc)

    I am a biologist and Master's student in Ecology at Universidade de Campinas. I am interested in understanding the functional consequences of macaws decline and extinction for seed-dispersal services. I will explore such subjects by combining empirical data and mathematical models.

    Former members

    Karoline Ceron (Former PD) googlescholar

    I am a PostDoc Researcher at LDDiv interested in how trophic interactions are distributed both in space and time and what factors are structuring these interactions. My current project involves the impact of extinctions on the functionality and evolutionary history in interaction networks between anurans and their prey and their contribution to pest and vector control.

    Raffaele Stasi (former MSc)

    I'm a graduate student at the IB-Unicamp’s Ecology program. My project at LDDiv is the development of a modeling framework for macroevolutionary processes based on the interactions within and between clade lineages. I am interested on how macroevolutionary phenomena can emerge from simple trait dependant species/genera level interactions and what it can tell us about paleontological inference. I used to work at a microbiology lab during my undergraduate years at the University of São Paulo, where I researched phosphate transport systems of E. coli. Besides evolution and research, I contribute to a left-wing international network of online newspapers called La Izquierda Diario and I am very curious about a variety of scientific subjects that I like to study in my free time, from mathematics to political economy and history.

    Livia Cruz (former MSc)

    I'm a grad student studying the predator-prey interactions of Neotropical carnivores. I'm interested in understanding how trophic interactions are organized and how consistent these patterns are in space. I'm also interested in the social aspects associated with biodiversity and conservation biology.

    Lilian Sales (former PD) googlescholar

    I was a PostDoc Researcher at LDDiv interested on the macroecological aspects of species interactions in the context of global climate change. I use different tools from spatial modelling to address questions related to conservation biogeography, such as changes in ecosystem services, community composition transitions and novel adaptive landscapes formed in the Anthropocene.

    Lucas Nascimento (former MSc)

    I'm a former member of LDDiv where I studied the evolution of defensive and attraction traits in plants. I'm interested in understanding how plant-animal interactions shaped plant and animals characters. I explore this phenomenon by combining mathematical models and empirical information about natural history. I'm currently a PhD candidate at USP working in GuimaraesLab to understand the relationship between frugivory and the evolution of color patterns in birds.

    Research Gate

    Currículo Lattes


    Craddle Mountain - Tasmania - Australia

    Machu Picchu - Peru

    Yosemite National Park - USA




    Departamento de Biologia Animal,
    Instituto de Biologia (IB),
    Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP),
    Campinas, SP, Brazil



    Unicamp USP